Pacific CALL / PacCALL promotes the use and professional support of CALL throughout the Pacific region, from North, East, and Southeast Asia, to Oceania, and the coastal countries of the Americas. In bringing professionals together from this tremendously diverse cultural and linguistic area, we hope to recognize the interconnected nature of the region and the tremendous possibility for CALL to assist both language learners and educators around the Pacific.
Many academic and educational benefits can come when CALL professionals from one of the most active second language learning regions on earth are brought together.
Our membership hopes to provide a venue for collegial support, both online and in person, through joint research projects and collaboration on professional development, new CALL approaches, and information about everything from job opportunities to instructional resources.
We aim to give voice to the varied communities making up the Pacific by extending fair membership costs, fellowship programs, and honorary memberships to colleagues that may not otherwise be able to fully participate in the association.
Recent developments in Online Communities allow the association workspace to become a truly interactive context for lively debate, networking, research, and other forms of collaboration. As befits a CALL association, we endeavor to expand traditional notions of the academic journal, conference, website, and society by incorporating virtual environments to reduce traditional limitations of distance, time, and cost and enhance the efficacy of our association.
In cooperation and collaboration with APACALL and other academic associations, PacCALL hosts the annual GLoCALL Conference (Globalization and Localization in CALL) in the Asia Pacific Region each year.
MOU between PacCALL and the following CALL organisations:

Pedagogy and Practice in Technology Enhanced Language Learning (PPTELL) Association (TAIWAN)
Purpose of Collaboration: To enhance language learning through technology and hereby express their intent to work together for mutual benefits.
Representative Exchange: To foster collaboration through the exchange of scholars.
Collaborative Initiatives: To explore and implementing collaborative initiatives, including but not limited to co-organizing conferences and events, coordination of activities aimed at advancing language learning through technology, facilitating exchanges, and sharing of resources.