Conference Tours

Summary of Tours

(1) 21 August 2024: PRE-CONFERENCE TOUR — Half day city tour + Food tour by night

(2) 25 and 26 August 2024: POST- CONFERENCE TOURS

(Option 1) : 2 DAYS — Villages tour and Perfume pagoda

(Option 2) : Day 1: Incense village and half day city tour +Trainstreet; Day 2: Perfume pagoda

(3) Halong bay 2 days 1 night with 3 stars cruise (Available any days.)

If you are interested in joining any of these tours, you need to pay a 50% deposit to the tour guide Henry (ONE WEEK BEFORE THE TOUR DATE). Please write to him personally for more details at:

New email address: [email protected]

(Please ignore the old address and use this.)

His telephone number is: +84.984.172.199